Budget Outdoor Ad


 Generic Multi-Media Advertising 

Continental Features/Continental News Service offers multi-media advertising opportunities, assisting advertisers in placing radio-spot commercials, television advertising, and outdoor-advertising displays at no extra charge to the advertiser.  (The radio or TV station involved or the billboard-maintenance company we use pays the sales commission!)  Our commitment is to use of effective, dependable, generic advertising media.
   CF/CNS’ Advertising Division is truly Your Advertising StoreSM, with our Budget Outdoor Advertising DisplaysSM section assisting with arrangements for daily, weekly, monthly and annual rental of billboard space coast-to-coast, at rates that accommodate virtually every budget.  You may lease advertising-display spaces as small and economical as 20 inches by 30 inches in an Information Center on the Interstate Highway System, too, and reach up to one million or more visitors annually.    That’s our focus.  So, contact Budget OutdoorSM at CF/CNS today for all your outdoor-advertising purchases. 

*Weekdays, air your 30-second radio spot for as little as an average cost of $25 each time, on the San Diego County affiliate of a national radio network.
Run a 30-second commercial locally on a network-affiliated station that broadcasts to southern Oregon and northern California, during the morning hours of national programming (Monday-Friday) and pay as little as $5-$15 each time; or air your 30-second commercial locally during a popular late-night variety show for no more than $80 each time.
Cable Television
Or you can buy cable television broadcasters’ and radio stations’ unsold airtime, at discount rates, and have your commercial air the following week.  You specify the purchase criteria, markets, and budget, when you upload your commercial by .mp3 or .wav file.  Broadcasters nation-wide who meet your general specifications can bid for your company’s business!  CF/CNS can help you get started.
But, then, CF/CNS continues to offer print-advertising opportunities through our periodic, general-interest newsmagazine, Continental Newstime, or the Country Neighbor Edition, and the nation-wide network in which we participate.  Our print-advertising rates follow:

DISPLAY-AD RATES FOR YEAR 2024 (Rates effective 3/1/2023):

Frequency 1X; 2X; 3X
* Full Page: $12,800; $12,500; $12,100 (We include some outdoor advertising with your full-page order.)
* Half Page: $6,500; $6,400; $6,200 (We include some radio advertising with your half-page order.)
* Quarter Page: $3,500; $3,225; $3,125 (Ask us about preparation of a U.S.-destined, 12″X24″ magnetic sign, as a bonus.)
* Business Card: $900; $875; $850 (Ask about preparation of a U.S.-destined paper sign w/Primary Advertising Theme.)
* Column Inch: $475; $460; $440

Got Lawn Signs (expressing a favorite quotation from America’s Founding Fathers) ?  Or consider this one:

“The Constitution: it’s the Law.”

 Need a magnetic sign, a whiteboard sign, a plastic sign, a metal sign, or a wood sign?  Ask CF/CNS to help with  ideas.  Thank you.

*    *    *    *    *

Advertisers must provide camera-ready artwork by the 15TH of the month prior to the month of intended publication.

For price quotations on color printing, please contact:

National Advertising Manager
Continental News Service
501 W. Broadway
Plaza A, PMB# 265
San Diego, CA 92101 

(858) 492-8696

Note to advertisers and “subscribers”*: The advertising network in which Continental Newstime newsmagazine participates routinely delivers national circulation to in excess of 500,000 readers, and we offer tearsheets for ads placed in the cities/towns we reach across the U.S.  Purchasing ad space for two months or longer and/or purchasing a newsmagazine “subscription”* for six months, one year, or longer are equally non-refundable purchases since the options of single-month ad placement and single-copy “purchase”* are already available first.  Actually, CF/CNS sells advertising space exclusively, either for one month at a time or for multiple months, and there are two possibilities, each of course offering opportunity to read Continental Newstime newsmagazine.  When you order for any length of time, you are automatically establishing an entitlement to, and placing an advertising order for, one sentence of primary advertising space consisting of a favorite quotation from the U.S. Constitution/Bill of Rights or American Founders’ Federalist Papers and, incidentally, a copy of Continental Newstime newsmagazine.  Either your check or money order will be paying to advertise your own favorite quotation from the above-mentioned sources or the favorite quotation, in the absence of your indicating such a preference, of Continental News.  Either way, it becomes part of our publication message and advertising content.
   Also, CF/CNS otherwise reserves the right, in its sole discretion and determination of its genuine interests, to offer or refuse secondary advertising space to any prospective advertiser.  (Our policy was specifically conceived to decline the patronage of those advertising tobacco, alcoholic beverages, medical and quasi-medical procedures/products, and drugs, prescription and otherwise.)  We also reserve the right to change any rates applicable to advertisers, after giving 30-days’ written notice.  Revisions will apply to all advertisers on the effective date.
*Yes, we are also entertaining plans for a possible lease of “industrial space” and “commercial space” on the game board of CF/CNS’ exciting and challenging consumer product, Advertising Empire (c. Continental Features/Continental News Service).  It would be opportunity for businesses to advertise their products/services through an imaginative form of social media, and we have 87 scale-model billboard sign faces that are alternately available.

* MAGAZINE-VENDOR BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES:  Magazine subscription agents overseas and in the U.S. are eligible to make bulk purchases of 1,000 OR 5,000 OR 10,000(or more) copies of  Continental Newstime newsmagazine at prices variously figured based on a reasonable cost-plus formula. 

Mini Classified Section 

*Tell a Friend…  

Employment and Self-Employment Opportunities

Be among the first to know whenever CF/CNS has a sponsorship opening in cartooning or feature writing!  That’s right, when you provide your E-mail address in connection with the above-mentioned 12-month order–which is non-refundable because you can place a shorter-term or one-month order–in our general-interest newsmagazine, Continental Newstime, we will enter your name on a potential-eligibility list for future sponsorship openings and for any employment openings which develop thereafter, during that one-year period.  Then, when either occurs, CF/CNS will E-mail you and the others on the list first, so you can apply, before the general public is informed.  So, order now!

*    *    *    *    *    *    *

For a More Complete and “Filling” 

Continental Breakfast, Order: 

Continental Newstime general-interest newsmagazine​ today! 

Used-book Collectors, place a 12-month order for primary advertising space and/or secondary advertising space in our periodic general-interest newsmagazine, Continental Newstime, and receive a free paperback or hard-cover book, based on availability, the book selected by CF/CNS from our own extensive library.  As one interested in our general-interest magazine, you already have wide interests.  When you order under the above terms, we will work to fit the book as nearly as we can to any specific general-audience interest you express. 


Giving a Voice to the Voice-less

What the baby in the womb is saying to his or her mother and father:

Please love me. Don’t hurt me.

Please treat me as a friend. I am not your enemy; I mean you no harm.

Please trust me; I have been trusting you.

Please let me live. After all, others gave you life and allowed you to live.
May I be shown the same consideration?

Please share with me. I will share what little I now have with you, and more, later.

Please let me get beyond my present dependence on you. Later, I
promise that I will be a better helper in your lives.

Please sing to me. That will help us to be happier.

Please be patient with me. Before long, you will be proud of me, seeing all that I can do. It will bring you honor.

Please smile when you see me. That will teach me how to smile when I see you.

As a family, each of us will become a better person.

*    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *

Love Packages [(217) 532-6701] supports international missions work by sending donated Bibles and other Christian literature to people around the world.  Send your donations to: 220 Union Street, Butler, IL 62015.

  • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


All  the  Great  Classic  Items  We’ve  All  Loved  Forever

Lots  of  New  and  Seasonal  Items
Sure  to  Please  Everyone  on  Your  Gift  List


Improving  the  Lives  of  Women  Globally


Number  One  Supporter  of  Breast  Cancer  Awareness 

Real Estate

Macdoel (CA) Water Works

For Sale

Contact: Terry Bennett

(541) 882-8543

Attn. Real Estate Investors

    Single-wide mobile home, on a single lot, with two add-ons.  Needs a lot of work or remove/replace.  As is.  Per disclosure has old Farm Gravity Well.  For a real-estate investor, much potential.

    Also available, a House.  Both are in small town of Dorris, California, with Health Clinic, Schools, Fast Food Restaurants, Recreational Facilities—all within walking distance, U.S. Highway 97 accessibility.  $158,000, for sale by owner.  

Call for more info.  Phone: (458) 253-1920

Or E-mail: continentalnewstime@gmail.com

Resorts (Northern California)

Butte Valley Bed and Breakfast

Newly-remodeled Bed and Breakfast (previously Hospitality Bed and Breakfast)

*Each room has its own private bath;

*Outdoor patio area available for private functions.

  Holds up to 40 people for Wedding or Baby Showers, 

  Graduation parties.

  Contact www.buttevalleybreakfast.com

*    *    *    *    *    *    * 

“I’d rather be camping at Butte Valley RV Park”

421 E. First Street, Dorris, CA 96023

* Radio,  television and outdoor-advertising opportunities posted are subject to change at anytime, and this Website is not necessarily given advance notice of changes.  Therefore, the prospective customer should be prepared for such changes in available inventory. 

Continental Features/Continental News Service

501 W. Broadway, Plaza A, PMB# 265, San Diego, CA 92101

(858) 492-8696

Copyright © 2023 Continental Features/Continental News Service – All Rights Reserved.